About Us
Inez Towns is the CEO & Service Specialist of Invid Document Imaging & Office Services, LLC. Inez (pronounced Eye-Nez) has more than 25 years of Document Management, Imaging, and other Office Services experience, as well as Customer Service. Her professional background includes Working as a Document Specialist for a several Columbus, Ohio Law Firms. Her duties including scanning and copying legal documents, document production, filing, indexing, quantity control, file conversion, among other administrative responsibilities. For the past eight years, Inez has worked as a Sr. Office Services Specialist, with the role of running an Imaging Department and training others on using scanners and other office equipment. She also handled other tasks such as processing conflict checks, workers comp, viewpoint loads, answering phones, data entry, and other Document Management duties–during her time there & over the past 25 years. Inez has the experience to face any task.